Expand your team with experts across various domains
On-demand staff augmentation for your diverse project needs
Expand your team with experts across various domains
On-demand staff augmentation for your diverse project needs
Empower your team with domain-specific experts
When your projects demand specific expertise to tackle critical tasks, meet tight deadlines, or drive innovation, our staff augmentation service offers the necessary skills in a flexible and scalable way.

For years, we've supported leading organizations in filling their project gaps with the precise knowledge and skills across numerous disciplines.
Our extensive experience, combined with meticulous screening and validation processes, ensures the professionals we supply exceed expectations and drive success in their respective domains.

In essence, we partner solely with top-tier

consultants to boost your team's capabilities.

Empower your team with domain-specific experts
When your projects demand specific expertise to tackle critical tasks, meet tight deadlines, or drive innovation, our staff augmentation service offers the necessary skills in a flexible and scalable way.

For years, we've supported leading organizations in filling their project gaps with the precise knowledge and skills across numerous disciplines.
Our extensive experience, combined with meticulous screening and validation processes, ensures the professionals we supply exceed expectations and drive success in their respective domains.

In essence, we partner solely with top-tier consultants to boost your team's capabilities.

Technology is at the heart of our operations, and we cover a wide range of expertise areas.
  • Frontend
    Frontend consultants specialize in developing user interfaces for web applications.
  • Backend
    Backend consultants focus on building the server-side logic and database management.
  • Mobile
    Mobile consultants develop applications for iOS, Android, and cross-platform usage.
  • Quality Assurance
    Quality Assurance consultants ensure the quality and reliability of software systems.
  • Design
    Design consultants create visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces.
  • Data
    Data consultants analyze and manage data to derive meaningful insights.
  • Cloud
    Cloud consultants design and implement scalable and flexible cloud-based solutions.
  • Emerging Technologies
    Consultants explore cutting-edge technologies and drive transformation.
What obstacles are you facing?
Request a no-obligation price quote for a dedicated specialist.
Active listening fosters strong partnerships

Our commitment to attentively listen, comprehend, and adapt to the unique needs and priorities of our clients and consultants allows us to generate real impact and value, ultimately fostering long-lasting partnerships.

We are Codesta, and we're all ears.
Consultants on-demand, at scale
Scalability has become a crucial aspect for contemporary, technology-driven organizations.

Our vast consultant network allows us to provide clients with the agility necessary to scale as needed, ensuring success in a dynamic and rapidly evolving tech landscape.

With a pool of thousands of rigorously vetted expert consultants, we can fulfill any demand.

We cater to clients with a single consultant or over 100, offering a wide range of skills from software development to business management and engineering.
How It Works
Discuss and clarify project requirements with the client.
Search for the best freelancer for the project based on the refined requirements.
Validate and match the freelancer's capabilities with the client's needs.
Provide the client with freelancer CVs in a standardized format for easy comparison.
Arrange for the client to interview the selected freelancer.
Agree on project details, including price and duration, and create a flexible contract.
Our Clients
  • Bell MTS
    D.L. is one of the most diligent and organized individuals I know. I can always rely on him to be up to speed on anything that's happening in even the largest of projects. He has quite a good grasp of technology which allows for more productive meetings, and ultimately lends itself to the overall success of the projects in which he's involved. I would recommend DL as a PM [Project Manager] or Senior PM to anyone who values clarity and insight when it comes to complex technology-based projects.

  • Fujitsu
    M.S. worked as a Scrum Master in one of our development projects. He handled that role extremely well, showing a deep understanding of Agile SW development methods. M.S.’ contribution to the project was crucial as an inspiring team leader and as an innovative technical leader. His strong knowledge of IT-design and development together with strong technical competence and outgoing personality make him a valuable member of any organization. It was truly a privilege to work with him.
  • Samlink
    M.S. worked as a Project Manager in our Continuous Services area. He quickly grasped the overall project and used good communication skills. I can strongly recommend M.S. for Service Management and Project Management positions. It was a pleasure to work with M.S. From the first meeting he was easy to approach :)
  • Long Play
    A.K.'s unwavering dedication and strong motivation in his interests and beliefs are truly remarkable. He demonstrates a rare ability to see things through to the end, always finishing what he starts. His commitment to excellence is an inspiration to all those who work alongside him.
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